Friday, September 2, 2011

Becoming Aware of What the Little Things Can Do.

When presented with the question of what is my current "sense of place," I knew exactly where my sense of place was. I am a firm believer in needing to preserve the Earth's resources and natural beauty. As a kid, my friends and I grew up playing in the woods behind our houses. Those memories of building forts and exploring all the different paths deeper in the woods are becoming closer to not being a reality for our future generations of children.
People these days do not care where there trash goes. They will just throw it to get rid of it, thinking that it is no longer there problem. But in fact it is, because these materials that are thrown in the woods are destroying the woods and even their drinking water. Most of these items are killing wild and marine animals. Most of the items can be recycled. If every household were to recycle, they could be helping the environment in numerous ways: less treat to the animals, environment, water, and less use of natural resources because they are being reused.
After taking a few classes in college directed towards the importance of the wild and the need to preserve and restore it. Simple things, such as recycling or throwing trash away in trash cans and not out in the out doors, will help preserve nature. We need these things to live and we continue to treat it like garbage. Although over the years as the issue has become a bigger issue, the awareness has been better and people are working on preserving their home.

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