Thursday, September 22, 2011

Caribou Die Every Time the Temperture Rises.

As time continues to go on, so does the severeness of the climate change problem that has become a major issue in the past years. Every little thing that we do effects the way we live and our environment around us. In the "Nation Geographic's Strange Days: The One Degree Factor," they explore how climate change has effected the different animals and people that survive off these animals.
The caribou in Alaska have lived up there for thousands of years. Due to an increase in climate by 1% this is causing the caribou population to decline in great numbers. The caribou of Porcupine River Herd travel along the Porcupine River during mating season. The tribe that lives along this river rely on the caribou for oil, food, and other tools they need. The river they have to cross is becoming higher and harder for the caribou to cross, espescially the baby calves. The winter time is also effecting them too because the snow is piling higher than before and the caribou have to dig further down to search for food. With these thicker piles of snow, it is also making it harder for them to escape hungry wolves.
There was also an issue with dust from the Sahara, due to Lake Chad being dried up, that is being blown into the Caribbean causing asthma amongst the younger kids. The cases of asthma has increased over the years due to increased dust in the atmosphere.
These issues are going to keep appearing all over the world. There is no way to prevent these issues but we can easily postpone their effects if we are responsible for the actions we take.

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