This was definitely not a walk in the park type of class that I thought it would be. This is a class that causes you to really think about the world and which direction we are heading in as a society. Before taking this class, I used to think that I could not do anything to change the world. So my lifestyle was just like any other ignorant person that does not believe that anything would change by changing themselves. After taking this class I knew that I was dead wrong.
It was not easy to get through to me at first because like I said, I did not WANT to be there. I felt that I was just there because the school was forcing me to be. The highpoint for me was when it all finally clicked and realized that there needs to be a change in the world or we are all doing to fall in our own demise. It was probably in the middle of my service learning that it hit me because I felt I was actually doing something to help the environment.
We all have to make a change. It starts with ourselves and then works its way to other people. I believe becoming green can be a good disease that could spread but it just takes the right person to get it started to have those follow. My plans are to become that leader to help others see the light that we need to change our ways.